Welcome to Restored Life

Churches have told you for years that Christians cannot be oppressed by demons.  This is all changing and an awakening is happening.  Pastors and leaders are beginning to understand how the enemy gains and retains a foothold in the life of a believer.   Restored Life will help you see how it happened and how to get free. Every Christian should learn the freedom and power of deliverance.  This revelation is key to your maturity in Christ. 

If you’ve been thinking only those with addictive sins need deliverance, Restored Life will open your eyes to the impact of the demonic realm on each and every person and how we are missing the Eden Father God prepared for us in Christ.  Any influence keeping you from the full glory of God is probably an influence of oppression. Once you see what we learn in Restored Life you’ll not only be able to get free, but also get the restoration you’ve only dreamed about.  Restored Life will lead you to freedom and restoration.


Join us for a powerful 3-day deliverance conference with Pastor Dwain Wolfe, who has over 30 years of experience in deliverance ministry. This conference is valuable in person and online.  Either way you win and grow in freedom.  This conference is designed to equip you with the tools you need for personal deliverance and for ministering deliverance to friends and family.

During this conference, you will discover the power and authority that Jesus gives us to cast out demons and be completely free from fears, addictionsand strongholds, whether they are big or small.

Pastor Dwain Wolfe will share his vast knowledge and experience in deliverance ministry, providing practical and effective tools to help you experience freedom in Christ. You will learn about the 12 doors to the soul, doors to the demonic realm.  You will learn how to live in complete freedom and victory. This is an event you won’t want to miss! Join us for three days of powerful teaching and ministry that will transform your life and empower you to walk in your calling as a follower of Christ.

  • 6:45–9pm
  • 6:45–9pm
  • 9am–2pm
LOCATION: New Horizon Church
ADDRESS: 5600 Valley Ave E Fife, Washington 98424

Get excited about change and renewal


Get insights on what’s brought you harm


Get power to overcome your troubles


Get a healthy mental image of you


Lay the groundwork for a healthy future​


Restored Life University is your online school for freedom and restoration.  Don’t wait another moment for a seminar or conference, start learning today.   Restored Life University has been created so you can start your journey now.  With your registration you’ll get unlimited access to all the lessons and manual for 3 months.  You’ll soon be growing and understanding how to overcome and build the new life you’ve longed for.  
RLU is made for your on the go lifestyle. You can access our material from your laptop or smart device and be learning and growing wherever you find yourself. Follow the link to New Horizon University and scroll down to Restored LIfe University to enroll today.  



Do you want to learn more about Restored Life?

Pastors and Church Leaders

One of the primary desires we all share is the maturing of the saints in our local congregation.  Each of us have a calling to heal, restore, mend and raising up healthy followers of Christ who bear witness to the gospel.  I’ve found over my 33 years of pastoring one church, Restored Life is our best tool.  It has become the bedrock of transformation at New Horizon Church, and I know it will work for you as well. If you implement this curriculum into your church you’ll see maturity and partnership in the ministry rise. 
  • Impart the overarching call of the Kingdom of Heaven
  • Greatly reduce the many hours of pastoral counseling by empowering the saints to minister to each other. 
  • Reduce the need for personal, marriage and family counseling as each person is delivered and set on their new creation pathway.
  • Raise up coaches who minister to the new and existing members of your church.
  • Enhance the grace and enablement upon your prayer team and altar team so they can lead people through transformational change. 
  • Create an atmosphere of peace throughout your ministry by exposing and removing the works of the flesh.
  • Empower the congregation to express the gifts of the spirit daily as they minister restoration in the marketplace. 

Ways to Implement Restored Life

  • Start a small group expression and use the video teaching material.  Finish each class with discussion and prayer.  Homework is done after class and students come back ready for more discussion. 
  • Recruit one of your leaders to use the manual and training to teach a class or small group.  Each student gets their own book and fills out their homework. 
  • Encourage people to join the online course (Restored Life University) and go through the material.  After they have completed the course offer a coach for them. 
Restored Life is one of the best tools to equip and mature your people into the ministry of Jesus. If you’re interested in launching the Restored Life program in your church, in hosting the Restored Life Conference at your church, in purchasing Restored Life products or if you have questions about the  reach out to us for more details and start your journey toward a free, thriving and  healthy church. Email us at office@newhc.org.