About Restored Life

Life has a way of sabotaging your dreams and desires.  Injuries, disappointments, abuse and your own mistakes get in the way of living with peace and fulfillment.  Next thing you know you’ve developed harmful habits and taken off ramps you never intended to take.  Can a person unwind what they’ve wound?  Can you be free and restored to what you used to dream about?  The answer is yes. Discover how through Restored Life.   

Restored Life will lead you to freedom and restoration. In the Restored Life course, you’ll discover the source of your inner turmoil.  You’ll learn how to overcome your inner enemies.  You’ll get freedom from condemnation and fear.  You’ll learn how to think new thoughts and believe for the goodness of God in your life again.   

Restored Life is inner healing | Deliverance Training | Restoration Training. 

The kingdom of heaven only comes where the kingdom of darkness is driven out. Heaven’s realities don’t spring up just because you’re a Christian. They spring up because as a Christian you drive the darkness out of your life.
Dear Christian, have you held on to an injury? You mused on it. Contemplated harm. Considered revenge. Put up defense. Reacted in control. All these things are a sign you’ve become oppressed. This is a root of bitterness. This root has come from a seed of injury. It’s only one of the many seeds that will produce a root in your heart. Stop tolerating this thief of Eden. It’s robbing you, but you can get free.
Christian man, are you aroused by sexual images? Do you look for more of these? Do you find yourself discontented with your wife? Are you pleasuring yourself? You can be free from these influences of darkness.
No matter your situation or issue, Restored Life will lead you to freedom and restoration. In the Restored Life course, you’ll discover the source of your inner turmoil.  You’ll learn how to overcome your inner enemies.  You’ll get freedom from condemnation and fear.  You’ll learn how to think new thoughts and believe for the goodness of God in your life again. 
Restored Life is an equipping ministry that will bring you into freedom from life’s limitations.  In the Restored Life course, you’ll learn; 
  1. The 12 doors to the inner man. 
  2. How to remove your roots of evil influence.  
  3. How to dismiss powers of darkness.
  4. How to seize your purpose and destiny. 
  5. How to plant seeds for a fruitful future. 
  6. How to restore others who have also been sabotaged.


Join the coaching network and become part of the restoration of your family, your church and our nation.  
Benefits include the following:
  • Access to the Restored Life video curriculum: Use these video lessons to lead a small group in your faith community 
  • Access to the Restored Life audio curriculum: Grow in your understanding and mastery of the teaching. 
  • Coach and mentor training: Access coach and mentor training manuals, outlines, guides, charts and support materials. 
  • Become listed on the Restored Life coaching network:   Coaches can mentor students virtually or in person
  • Discount pricing on Restored Life manuals: When bought in lots of 12 or more receive 25% discount on all books 

Criteria for the coaching network membership:​

Criteria for the coaching network membership:​
  • Complete the Restored Life course (completing all of the 12 lessons).  
  • Complete the Restored Life coaches conference or webinar.   
  • Embrace the Restored Life statement of faith. 
  • Complete a coaching interview (scheduled online with Restored Life staff). 
  • Remain active as a coach.  

Are you interested in joining our coaching network? Let us know by emailing debralee@newhc.org or office@newhc.org to get you started.